Drug Information

Drug Name: Biperiden (514-65-8)
PubChem ID: 2381
Therapeutic Category: Anti-Dyskinesia Agents, Antiparkinson Agents, Autonomic Agents, Central Nervous System Agents, Cholinergic Agents, Cholinergic Antagonists, Muscarinic Antagonists, Neurotransmitter Agents, Parasympatholytics, Peripheral Nervous System Agents

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 311.469
LogP: 3.9624
Ring Count: 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 1
Total Polar Surface Area: 23.47

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abasia MetaADEDB
Abdominal Discomfort ADReCS
Abnormal Behaviour ADReCS
Abnormal Eeg MetaADEDB
Abnormal Gait MetaADEDB
Abnormal Movements MetaADEDB
Abulia MetaADEDB
Acetonaemia MetaADEDB
Acidosis MetaADEDB
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Shortened MetaADEDB
Activation Syndrome MetaADEDB
Acute Brain Syndrome MetaADEDB
Adh Inappropriate MetaADEDB
Adynamic Ileus MetaADEDB
Aggression MetaADEDB
Agitated MetaADEDB
Agitation ADReCS
Agranulocytoses MetaADEDB
Akathisia Drug-Induced MetaADEDB
Akinesia MetaADEDB
Alanine Aminotransferase MetaADEDB
Alanine Aminotransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Alcohol Poisoning MetaADEDB
Alcoholic Intoxication MetaADEDB
Alcoholic Liver Disease MetaADEDB
Alcoholism MetaADEDB
Allergic Alveolitis MetaADEDB
Altered State Of Consciousness MetaADEDB
Amentia MetaADEDB
Amimia MetaADEDB
Anaemia MetaADEDB
Anaesthesia MetaADEDB
Anticholinergic Syndrome ADReCS
Antipsychotic Drug Level Above Therapeutic MetaADEDB
Antipsychotic Drug Level Increased MetaADEDB
Antisocial Behaviour MetaADEDB
Antiviral Drug Level Above Therapeutic MetaADEDB
Apallic Syndrome MetaADEDB
Aplasia Pure Red Cell MetaADEDB
Arrhythmia MetaADEDB
Aspartate Aminotransferase Decreased MetaADEDB
Aspartate Aminotransferase Increase MetaADEDB
Asphyxia MetaADEDB
Aspiration Pneumonia MetaADEDB
Asystole MetaADEDB
Ataxia MetaADEDB
Atrial Ectopic Beats MetaADEDB
Atrioventricular Block Complete MetaADEDB
Atrioventricular Extrasystoles MetaADEDB
Attempted Suicide MetaADEDB
Autonomic Instability MetaADEDB
Bacteria Sputum Identified MetaADEDB
Basal Ganglia Diseases MetaADEDB
Bedridden MetaADEDB
Bence Jones Protein Urine MetaADEDB
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia MetaADEDB
Binocular Eye Movement Disorder MetaADEDB
Bipolar Disorder MetaADEDB
Bladder Retention MetaADEDB
Blood Aldosterone Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Amylase Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Bilirubin Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Cholinesterase Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Corticotrophin MetaADEDB
Blood Cortisol Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatine Phosphokinase Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatine Phosphokinase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatinine Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Electrolytes Abnormal MetaADEDB
Blood Glucose Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Glucose Fluctuation MetaADEDB
Blood Growth Hormone Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Immunoglobulin G Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Potassium Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Pressure Fluctuation ADReCS
Blood Pressure Orthostatic Abnormal MetaADEDB
Blood Prolactin Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Sodium MetaADEDB
Blood Sodium Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Triglycerides Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Increased MetaADEDB
Body Temperature MetaADEDB
Body Temperature Increased MetaADEDB
Bowel Sounds Abnormal MetaADEDB
Bradycardia ADReCS
Brain Death MetaADEDB
Brain Mass MetaADEDB
C-Reactive Protein Increased MetaADEDB
Carcinoid Syndrome MetaADEDB
Cardiac Enlargement MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure Acute MetaADEDB
Cardiac Pacemaker Insertion MetaADEDB
Cardio-Respiratory Arrest MetaADEDB
Cardiogenic Shock MetaADEDB
Cardiopulmonary Failure MetaADEDB
Catalepsy MetaADEDB
Catatonia MetaADEDB
Central obesity MetaADEDB
Cerebral Atrophy MetaADEDB
Cerebral Circulatory Failure MetaADEDB
Cerebral Infarct MetaADEDB
Change In Blood Pressure SIDER
Chemotherapeutic Drug Level Increased MetaADEDB
Choking MetaADEDB
Cholinergic Syndrome MetaADEDB
Chorea ADReCS
Chronic Sinusitis MetaADEDB
Coated Tongue MetaADEDB
Cognition Disorders MetaADEDB
Cognitive Disorder MetaADEDB
Cogwheel Rigidity MetaADEDB
Colon Injury MetaADEDB
Coma MetaADEDB
Coma Acidotic MetaADEDB
Communication Disorder MetaADEDB
Completed Suicide MetaADEDB
Condition Aggravated MetaADEDB
Confabulation MetaADEDB
Congestive Cardiomyopathy MetaADEDB
Constipation ADReCS
Coordination Abnormal MetaADEDB
Csf Monocyte Count Decreased MetaADEDB
Csf Neutrophil Count Increased MetaADEDB
Cytomegalovirus Chorioretinitis MetaADEDB
Daydreaming MetaADEDB
Death MetaADEDB
Decreased Activity MetaADEDB
Decubitus Ulcer MetaADEDB
Deglutition Disorders MetaADEDB
Delirium MetaADEDB
Delusion MetaADEDB
Delusional Disorder Unspecified Type MetaADEDB
Dementia Alzheimer Type MetaADEDB
Dental Examination MetaADEDB
Depressed Level Of Consciousness MetaADEDB
Depression Suicidal MetaADEDB
Depressive Disorder MetaADEDB
Depressive Symptom MetaADEDB
Dermatitis Medicamentosa MetaADEDB
Diabetes Insipidus MetaADEDB
Diet Refusal MetaADEDB
Disease Of Liver MetaADEDB
Disinhibition MetaADEDB
Disorientation ADReCS
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation MetaADEDB
Drowsiness SIDER
Drug Interaction MetaADEDB
Drug Interaction Potentiation MetaADEDB
Drug Toxicity MetaADEDB
Drug Withdrawal Syndrome Neonatal MetaADEDB
Dry Mouth ADReCS
Dysarthria MetaADEDB
Dyskinesia Drug-Induced MetaADEDB
Dyslalia MetaADEDB
Dystonia MetaADEDB
Dystonic Disorders MetaADEDB
Dysuria MetaADEDB
Early Morning Awakening MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram Qt Corrected Interval Prolonged MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram Repolarisation Abnormality MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram St-T Segment Abnormal MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram T Wave Inversion MetaADEDB
Electroconvulsive Therapy MetaADEDB
Embolism Pulmonary MetaADEDB
Encephalopathy MetaADEDB
Eosinophil Count Decreased MetaADEDB
Eosinophil Percentage Decreased MetaADEDB
Eosinophilic Myocarditis MetaADEDB
Epilepsy MetaADEDB
Epistaxis MetaADEDB
Escherichia Vaginitis MetaADEDB
Euphoric Mood ADReCS
Excessive Salivation MetaADEDB
Excessive Thirst MetaADEDB
Exfoliative Rash MetaADEDB
Eye Swelling MetaADEDB
Fibrin Degradation Products Increased MetaADEDB
Finger Deformity MetaADEDB
Foetal Heart Rate Abnormal MetaADEDB
Galactorrhea MetaADEDB
Gallbladder Obstruction MetaADEDB
Gallbladder Oedema MetaADEDB
Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Gardnerella Infection MetaADEDB
Gastric Irritation SIDER
Gastroenteritis MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Injury MetaADEDB
General Physical Health Deterioration MetaADEDB
Gingival Hyperplasia MetaADEDB
Glasgow Coma Scale MetaADEDB
Glossitis MetaADEDB
Glucose Urine MetaADEDB
Glycosylated Haemoglobin Increased MetaADEDB
Granulocyte Count Decreased MetaADEDB
Granulocytosis MetaADEDB
Haemodynamic Instability MetaADEDB
Haptoglobin Decreased MetaADEDB
Head Injury MetaADEDB
Heart Rate Increased MetaADEDB
Hellp Syndrome MetaADEDB
Hepatic Function Abnormal MetaADEDB
Hepatitis Acute MetaADEDB
Hepatitis B Positive MetaADEDB
Hepatitis C MetaADEDB
Herpes Zoster MetaADEDB
Hyperalimentation MetaADEDB
Hyperammonaemia MetaADEDB
Hyperphosphatasaemia MetaADEDB
Hyperprolactinaemia MetaADEDB
Hypertonia MetaADEDB
Hypertransaminasaemia MetaADEDB
Hypertrichosis MetaADEDB
Hyperventilation MetaADEDB
Hypotension ADReCS
Hysterical Psychosis MetaADEDB
Iatrogenic Injury MetaADEDB
Idiosyncratic Drug Reaction MetaADEDB
Impulsive Behaviour MetaADEDB
Inability To Crawl MetaADEDB
Incontinence MetaADEDB
Increased Appetite MetaADEDB
Increased Platelet Count MetaADEDB
Increased White Blood Cell Count MetaADEDB
Infantile Apnoeic Attack MetaADEDB
Intentional Misuse MetaADEDB
Intestinal Obstruction MetaADEDB
Irregular Menstrual Cycle MetaADEDB
Joint Ankylosis MetaADEDB
Large For Dates Baby MetaADEDB
Laryngeal Disorder MetaADEDB
Leucopenia MetaADEDB
Leukopenia Neonatal MetaADEDB
Limb Malformation MetaADEDB
Lymphocyte Count Decreased MetaADEDB
Lymphoma MetaADEDB
Macrophage Activation MetaADEDB
Markedly Reduced Dietary Intake MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Haemoglobin MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Decreased MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Increased MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Volume Decreased MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Volume Increased MetaADEDB
Megacolon MetaADEDB
Meige Syndrome MetaADEDB
Menopausal Symptoms MetaADEDB
Menstrual Disorder MetaADEDB
Menstruation Delayed MetaADEDB
Mental Disorder MetaADEDB
Miosis MetaADEDB
Mood Disorders MetaADEDB
Motor Retardation MetaADEDB
Movement Disorders MetaADEDB
Multiple Drug Overdose MetaADEDB
Multiple Drug Overdose Intentional MetaADEDB
Multiple Fractures MetaADEDB
Mumps MetaADEDB
Muscle Disorder MetaADEDB
Muscle Necrosis MetaADEDB
Muscle Tightness MetaADEDB
Mutism MetaADEDB
Myocardial Fibrosis MetaADEDB
Myoclonus MetaADEDB
Myofascitis MetaADEDB
Myoglobin Blood Increased MetaADEDB
Myoglobin Urine Present MetaADEDB
Neonatal Asphyxia MetaADEDB
Neumonia MetaADEDB
Neuralgia MetaADEDB
Neurogenic Bladder MetaADEDB
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome MetaADEDB
Nipple Disorder MetaADEDB
Nystagmus Pathologic MetaADEDB
Obstructive Uropathy MetaADEDB
Oculogyration MetaADEDB
Oliguria MetaADEDB
Orchitis Noninfective MetaADEDB
Oropharyngeal Spasm MetaADEDB
Orthostatic Hypotension ADReCS
Overdose MetaADEDB
Parkinson MetaADEDB
Parkinson Disease MetaADEDB
Parkinson Disease Secondary MetaADEDB
Parkinsonian Disorders MetaADEDB
Parotitis MetaADEDB
Paroxysmal Perceptual Alteration MetaADEDB
Partner Stress MetaADEDB
Pco2 Decreased MetaADEDB
Pedal Pulse Absent MetaADEDB
Periarthritis MetaADEDB
Persecutory Delusion MetaADEDB
Pharyngeal Disorder MetaADEDB
Pharyngeal Erythema MetaADEDB
Phobia MetaADEDB
Polyuria MetaADEDB
Poriomania MetaADEDB
Posture Abnormal MetaADEDB
Potentiating Drug Interaction MetaADEDB
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension MetaADEDB
Priapism MetaADEDB
Protein Total Decreased MetaADEDB
Psychiatric Decompensation MetaADEDB
Psychiatric Symptom MetaADEDB
Psychological Factor Affecting Medical Condition MetaADEDB
Psychomotor Agitation MetaADEDB
Psychomotor Skills Impaired MetaADEDB
Psychoses Substance-Induced MetaADEDB
Psychotic Disorders MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Arrest MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Artery Thrombosis MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Haemosiderosis MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Infarction MetaADEDB
Pyothorax MetaADEDB
Pyramidal Tract Syndrome MetaADEDB
Rales MetaADEDB
Rapid Eye Movements Sleep Abnormal ADReCS
Red Blood Cell Count Increased MetaADEDB
Red Blood Cell Morphology MetaADEDB
Reflex Abnormal MetaADEDB
Renin Decreased MetaADEDB
Respiration Abnormal MetaADEDB
Rhabdomyolysis MetaADEDB
Schizophrenia MetaADEDB
Schizophrenia Disorganised Type MetaADEDB
Screaming MetaADEDB
Seizures MetaADEDB
Self Injurious Behaviour MetaADEDB
Sinus Bradycardia MetaADEDB
Skin Test Positive MetaADEDB
Sleep Initiation And Maintenance Disorders MetaADEDB
Soliloquy MetaADEDB
Somatoform Disorder MetaADEDB
Somnolence ADReCS
Sopor MetaADEDB
Speech Disorder MetaADEDB
Status Epilepticus MetaADEDB
Stress Symptoms MetaADEDB
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Subcutaneous Haematoma MetaADEDB
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome MetaADEDB
Sudden Death MetaADEDB
Talipes MetaADEDB
Tinea Pedis MetaADEDB
Tongue Dry MetaADEDB
Tongue Spasm MetaADEDB
Torticollis MetaADEDB
Toxic Dilatation Of Colon MetaADEDB
Transaminases Increased MetaADEDB
Tremor MetaADEDB
Tri-Iodothyronine Decreased MetaADEDB
Urinary Bladder Rupture MetaADEDB
Urinary Retention ADReCS
Urinary Tract Infection Enterococcal MetaADEDB
Urine Output Increased MetaADEDB
Vein Disorder MetaADEDB
Venous Occlusion MetaADEDB
Ventricular Fibrillation MetaADEDB
Vision Blurred ADReCS
Water Intoxication MetaADEDB
Xanthoma MetaADEDB
Zinc Sulphate Turbidity Decreased MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database