Drug Information

Drug Name: Limaprost (74397-12-9)
PubChem ID: 6438378
SMILES: CCCC[C@H](C)C[C@@H](/C=C/[C@H]1[C@@H](CC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCC/C=C/C(=O)O)O)O
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 380.525
LogP: 3.8872
Ring Count: 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 3
Total Polar Surface Area: 94.83

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abscess MetaADEDB
Abscess Limb MetaADEDB
Accelerated Hypertension MetaADEDB
Acute Abdomen MetaADEDB
Adams-Stokes Syndrome MetaADEDB
Adh Inappropriate MetaADEDB
Agranulocytoses MetaADEDB
Alanine Aminotransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Amentia MetaADEDB
Anaphylactic Reaction MetaADEDB
Angioplasty MetaADEDB
Animal Scratch MetaADEDB
Anorexia MetaADEDB
Antibody Test MetaADEDB
Arrhythmia MetaADEDB
Arteriosclerosis Obliterans MetaADEDB
Aspartate Aminotransferase Increase MetaADEDB
Aspiration Pneumonia MetaADEDB
Bence Jones Protein Urine MetaADEDB
Bladder Cancer MetaADEDB
Bladder Retention MetaADEDB
Blast Cell Count Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Bilirubin Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Cortisol Abnormal MetaADEDB
Blood Creatine Phosphokinase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Insulin Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Pressure Diastolic MetaADEDB
Body Temperature MetaADEDB
Body Temperature Increased MetaADEDB
Bone Marrow Depression MetaADEDB
Bone Marrow Failure MetaADEDB
Brain Natriuretic Peptide Increased MetaADEDB
Bronchiectasis MetaADEDB
Bronchitis MetaADEDB
Bulging MetaADEDB
C-Reactive Protein Increased MetaADEDB
Carcinoid Syndrome MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure Chronic MetaADEDB
Cartilage Development Disorder MetaADEDB
Cellulitis MetaADEDB
Cerebral Artery Stenosis MetaADEDB
Cerebral Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Cerebral Ischaemia MetaADEDB
Cerebral Microangiopathy MetaADEDB
Cholangiolitis MetaADEDB
Condition Aggravated MetaADEDB
Corneal Oedema MetaADEDB
Coronary Artery Restenosis MetaADEDB
Delusional Disorder Persecutory Type MetaADEDB
Dermographism MetaADEDB
Diabetes Mellitus Inadequate Control MetaADEDB
Diplopia MetaADEDB
Disease Of Liver MetaADEDB
Disorder Lung MetaADEDB
Disorder Renal MetaADEDB
Drowsiness MetaADEDB
Dysstasia MetaADEDB
Edema Extremities MetaADEDB
Embolic Stroke MetaADEDB
Enterocolitis MetaADEDB
Epidural Abscess MetaADEDB
Esophageal Cancer MetaADEDB
Excess Potassium MetaADEDB
Femoral Arterial Stenosis MetaADEDB
Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Gastric Perforation MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Bleed MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Necrosis MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Ulcer Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Glossitis MetaADEDB
Haematoma Infection MetaADEDB
Haemorrhage Subcutaneous MetaADEDB
Haptoglobin Decreased MetaADEDB
Hemiparesis MetaADEDB
Hepatic Function Abnormal MetaADEDB
Hepatic Neoplasm Malignant MetaADEDB
Hepatitis Acute MetaADEDB
Hyperreflexia MetaADEDB
Hypoaesthesia Oral MetaADEDB
Hypomania MetaADEDB
Hypoxia MetaADEDB
Impulse-Control Disorder MetaADEDB
Incontinence MetaADEDB
Increased White Blood Cell Count MetaADEDB
Intention Tremor MetaADEDB
Iridocyclitis MetaADEDB
Joint Effusion MetaADEDB
Leukoencephalopathy MetaADEDB
Lung Neoplasm MetaADEDB
Lymphocyte Stimulation Test Positive MetaADEDB
Metabolic Disorder MetaADEDB
Microangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia MetaADEDB
Mucosal Inflammation MetaADEDB
Muscle Weakness MetaADEDB
Myelodysplasia MetaADEDB
Myoclonic Epilepsy MetaADEDB
Myoglobin Blood Increased MetaADEDB
Nail Avulsion MetaADEDB
Nasopharyngitis MetaADEDB
Nephrotic Syndrome MetaADEDB
Obstructive Airways Disorder MetaADEDB
Optic Nerve Disorder MetaADEDB
Oropharyngeal Pain MetaADEDB
Palpitation MetaADEDB
Pancreatitis Chronic MetaADEDB
Performance Status Decreased MetaADEDB
Peripheral Embolism MetaADEDB
Pneumococcal Infection MetaADEDB
Psoas Abscess MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Alveolar Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Pyelonephritis Acute MetaADEDB
Red Blood Cell Schistocytes Present MetaADEDB
Respiratory Disorder MetaADEDB
Rhabdomyolysis MetaADEDB
Scleroderma Renal Crisis MetaADEDB
Scotoma MetaADEDB
Sinus Arrest MetaADEDB
Small Intestinal Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Small Intestine Ulcer MetaADEDB
Subileus MetaADEDB
Synovial Cyst MetaADEDB
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome MetaADEDB
Tongue Neoplasm MetaADEDB
Tracheal Stenosis MetaADEDB
Ulcer Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Vertebral Artery Stenosis MetaADEDB
Vith Nerve Disorder MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database