Drug Information

Drug Name: etilefrine (709-55-7)
PubChem ID: 3306
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 181.235
LogP: 1.0351
Ring Count: 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 3
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 3
Total Polar Surface Area: 52.49

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Aching Muscles MetaADEDB
Adverse Drug Effect MetaADEDB
Anaesthesia MetaADEDB
Asthenia MetaADEDB
Autonomic Instability MetaADEDB
Bacteria Sputum Identified MetaADEDB
Bacterial Infection MetaADEDB
Balanitis MetaADEDB
Blood Ketone Body Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Sodium Increased MetaADEDB
Brain Hypoxia MetaADEDB
Bronchitis MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure Acute MetaADEDB
Cardiogenic Shock MetaADEDB
Cardiovascular Disorder MetaADEDB
Conversion Disorder MetaADEDB
Cough MetaADEDB
Cryptogenic Cirrhosis MetaADEDB
Delayed Recovery From Anaesthesia MetaADEDB
Diarrhea MetaADEDB
Dysthymic Disorder MetaADEDB
Effusion MetaADEDB
Enlarged Liver MetaADEDB
Epilepsy MetaADEDB
Fatigue MetaADEDB
Feeling Cold MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Bleed MetaADEDB
General Physical Health Deterioration MetaADEDB
Haemorrhagic Diathesis MetaADEDB
Heart Rate Increased MetaADEDB
Heart Valve Stenosis MetaADEDB
Hepatocellular Damage MetaADEDB
Hyperprolactinaemia MetaADEDB
Hyperventilation MetaADEDB
Hypotension MetaADEDB
Hypotension Orthostatic MetaADEDB
Infection MetaADEDB
Infection In An Immunocompromised Host MetaADEDB
Infusion Related Reaction MetaADEDB
Leukopenia Neonatal MetaADEDB
Loss Of Weight MetaADEDB
Lung Neoplasm Malignant MetaADEDB
Lymphocyte Stimulation Test Positive MetaADEDB
Metastases To Pleura MetaADEDB
Muscle Inflammation MetaADEDB
Myoplasty MetaADEDB
Nasal Dryness MetaADEDB
Nasopharyngitis MetaADEDB
Oropharyngeal Pain MetaADEDB
Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysaesthesia Syndrome MetaADEDB
Panic Attack MetaADEDB
Pleural Effusion MetaADEDB
Pneumothorax MetaADEDB
Pregnancy On Oral Contraceptive MetaADEDB
Premature Labour MetaADEDB
Priapism MetaADEDB
Protein Total Decreased MetaADEDB
Serum Sickness MetaADEDB
Sternal Fracture MetaADEDB
Synovitis MetaADEDB
Therapeutic Product Ineffective MetaADEDB
Urine Ketone Body Present MetaADEDB
Urticaria Generalised MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database