Drug Information

Drug Name: Fudosteine (13189-98-5)
PubChem ID: 134669
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 179.241
LogP: -0.4861
Ring Count: 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 3
Total Polar Surface Area: 83.55

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abnormal Laboratory Findings MetaADEDB
Acidosis MetaADEDB
Acute Brain Syndrome MetaADEDB
Acute Respiratory Failure MetaADEDB
Adynamic Ileus MetaADEDB
Allergic Dermatitis MetaADEDB
Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis MetaADEDB
Altered State Of Consciousness MetaADEDB
Anorexia MetaADEDB
Aortic Dissection MetaADEDB
Apathy MetaADEDB
Atrial Flutter MetaADEDB
Atypical Mycobacterial Infection MetaADEDB
Bacteria Sputum Identified MetaADEDB
Bladder Inflammation MetaADEDB
Bladder Retention MetaADEDB
Blood Beta-D-Glucan Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatine Phosphokinase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Glucose Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Magnesium Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Pressure Systolic Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Increased MetaADEDB
Bronchiolitis MetaADEDB
C-Reactive Protein Increased MetaADEDB
Carcinoma Of The Cervix MetaADEDB
Cardiac Enlargement MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure MetaADEDB
Cardiogenic Shock MetaADEDB
Cervicalgia MetaADEDB
Cervix Cancer Metastatic MetaADEDB
Chest Infection MetaADEDB
Cold Sweat MetaADEDB
Colitis Pseudomembranous MetaADEDB
Conjunctival Hyperaemia MetaADEDB
Coombs Direct Test Positive MetaADEDB
Coughing Blood MetaADEDB
Deglutition Disorder MetaADEDB
Dental Operation MetaADEDB
Depressed Level Of Consciousness MetaADEDB
Dermatitis Medicamentosa MetaADEDB
Dermatosis MetaADEDB
Disease Of Liver MetaADEDB
Drug Hypersensitivity MetaADEDB
Drug Prescribing Error MetaADEDB
Duodenal Ulcer Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Eczema MetaADEDB
Erythema Multiforme MetaADEDB
Esophageal Stenosis MetaADEDB
Esophageal Ulcer MetaADEDB
Excessive Thirst MetaADEDB
Fanconi Syndrome MetaADEDB
Gastric Cancer MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Perforation MetaADEDB
Gingival Hypertrophy MetaADEDB
Haemolytic Anaemia MetaADEDB
Haemorrhagic Hepatic Cyst MetaADEDB
Hepatic Failure MetaADEDB
Hepatic Function Abnormal MetaADEDB
Hiccough MetaADEDB
Hyperlipaemia MetaADEDB
Hyperlipasaemia MetaADEDB
Increased White Blood Cell Count MetaADEDB
Iron Binding Capacity Unsaturated Decreased MetaADEDB
Itch MetaADEDB
Lip Erosion MetaADEDB
Lung Fibrosis MetaADEDB
Lymphangioma MetaADEDB
Lymphangiosis Carcinomatosa MetaADEDB
Malignant Neoplasm Progression MetaADEDB
Mouth Pain MetaADEDB
Muscle Disorder MetaADEDB
Myelodysplasia MetaADEDB
Nail Tinea MetaADEDB
Necrotising Oesophagitis MetaADEDB
Neuropathy Peripheral MetaADEDB
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer MetaADEDB
Oral Discomfort MetaADEDB
Overdose MetaADEDB
Palpitation MetaADEDB
Pharyngolaryngeal Discomfort MetaADEDB
Pigmentation Disorder MetaADEDB
Pleurisy MetaADEDB
Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia MetaADEDB
Pneumonia Viral MetaADEDB
Psychiatric Symptom MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Artery Dilatation MetaADEDB
Respiratory Failure MetaADEDB
Rhinorrhea MetaADEDB
Scab MetaADEDB
Serum Ferritin Increased MetaADEDB
Sick Sinus Syndrome MetaADEDB
Sputum Culture Positive MetaADEDB
Sputum Retention MetaADEDB
Streptococcal Infection MetaADEDB
Sudden Death MetaADEDB
Toxic Skin Eruption MetaADEDB
Uterine Cancer MetaADEDB
Viraemia MetaADEDB
Viral Myocarditis MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database