Drug Information

Drug Name: dothiepin (113-53-1)
PubChem ID: 5284550
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 295.451
LogP: 4.6757
Ring Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 0
Total Polar Surface Area: 3.24

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference
Toxicity And Inefficacy CYP2D6 (P10635) Toxicity in poor metabolisers@ inefficacy in ultrarapid metabolisers. [ ADR Type 3 ] Drugs in special patient groups: clinical importance of genomics in drug effects In: Carruthers GS, Hoffmann BB,Melmon KL, Nierenberg DW

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abnormal Dreams MetaADEDB
Abnormal Ecg MetaADEDB
Abnormal Lfts MetaADEDB
Abnormal Movements MetaADEDB
Acid Base Balance Abnormal MetaADEDB
Acidosis MetaADEDB
Acne MetaADEDB
Acute Brain Syndrome MetaADEDB
Adenocarcinoma MetaADEDB
Affect Lability MetaADEDB
Aggression MetaADEDB
Agitated MetaADEDB
Agoraphobia MetaADEDB
Alanine Aminotransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Alcohol Interaction MetaADEDB
Alcohol Poisoning MetaADEDB
Amnesia MetaADEDB
Anger MetaADEDB
Angioedema MetaADEDB
Anhidrosis MetaADEDB
Antisocial Behaviour MetaADEDB
Anuria MetaADEDB
Anxiety MetaADEDB
Anxiety Disorders MetaADEDB
Aortic Valve Calcification MetaADEDB
Apallic Syndrome MetaADEDB
Apathy MetaADEDB
Aptyalism MetaADEDB
Arthritis Rheumatoid MetaADEDB
Athetosis MetaADEDB
Attempted Suicide MetaADEDB
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder MetaADEDB
Autoimmune Disorder MetaADEDB
Autoimmune Hepatitis MetaADEDB
Av Dissociation MetaADEDB
Bacteria Urine Identified MetaADEDB
Bacterial Infection MetaADEDB
Balance Disorder MetaADEDB
Bartholinitis MetaADEDB
Bedridden MetaADEDB
Bezoar MetaADEDB
Biliary Cancer Metastatic MetaADEDB
Blepharitis MetaADEDB
Blepharospasm MetaADEDB
Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Cortisol Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatine Phosphokinase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Follicle Stimulating Hormone Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Potassium Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Prolactin Increased MetaADEDB
Blurred Vision MetaADEDB
Bradypnoea MetaADEDB
Breast Cancer In Situ MetaADEDB
Breast Cancer Metastatic MetaADEDB
Bulbar Palsy MetaADEDB
Bulimia MetaADEDB
Bundle Branch Block Right MetaADEDB
C-Reactive Protein Increased MetaADEDB
Carcinoid Syndrome MetaADEDB
Cardiac Decompensation MetaADEDB
Cardiac Enlargement MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure MetaADEDB
Cardiac Ischemia MetaADEDB
Cardiogenic Shock MetaADEDB
Cerebellar Syndrome MetaADEDB
Cerebral Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Cerebral Microangiopathy MetaADEDB
Chemotherapeutic Drug Level Increased MetaADEDB
Chest Infection MetaADEDB
Chill MetaADEDB
Choking Sensation MetaADEDB
Cholangiolitis MetaADEDB
Cholestasis MetaADEDB
Chorea MetaADEDB
Circumstance Or Information Capable Of Leading To Medication Error MetaADEDB
Cirrhosis MetaADEDB
Clostridium Difficile Colitis MetaADEDB
Clotting MetaADEDB
Cochlea Implant MetaADEDB
Colon Cancer Stage I MetaADEDB
Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction MetaADEDB
Completed Suicide MetaADEDB
Concomitant Disease Aggravated MetaADEDB
Condition Aggravated MetaADEDB
Confabulation MetaADEDB
Connective Tissue Disease MetaADEDB
Convulsion MetaADEDB
Convulsions Grand Mal MetaADEDB
Coordination Abnormal MetaADEDB
Crackles Lung MetaADEDB
Crying MetaADEDB
Deafness Neurosensory MetaADEDB
Deafness Unilateral MetaADEDB
Decreased Libido MetaADEDB
Deglutition Disorder MetaADEDB
Dependence MetaADEDB
Depersonalisation MetaADEDB
Depressed Mood MetaADEDB
Depressive Disorder MetaADEDB
Depressive Disorder Major MetaADEDB
Derealisation MetaADEDB
Diabetes Insipidus MetaADEDB
Diabetic Hyperosmolar Coma MetaADEDB
Diplopia MetaADEDB
Disorder Lung MetaADEDB
Disturbance In Attention MetaADEDB
Dizziness MetaADEDB
Drug Addict MetaADEDB
Drug Interaction MetaADEDB
Drug Toxicity MetaADEDB
Drug Withdrawal MetaADEDB
Drug Withdrawal Headache MetaADEDB
Dyskinesia Drug-Induced MetaADEDB
Dyslexia MetaADEDB
Dysthymic Disorder MetaADEDB
Dystonia MetaADEDB
Ear Ache MetaADEDB
Early Morning Awakening MetaADEDB
Eczema MetaADEDB
Electric Shock MetaADEDB
Electroconvulsive Therapy MetaADEDB
Electromechanical Dissociation MetaADEDB
Elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate MetaADEDB
Elevated Mood MetaADEDB
Embolism Pulmonary MetaADEDB
Emotional Disorder MetaADEDB
Enlarged Liver MetaADEDB
Erectile Dysfunction MetaADEDB
Erythema Ab Igne MetaADEDB
Extrasystoles MetaADEDB
Eye Pruritus MetaADEDB
Facial Neuralgia MetaADEDB
Family Stress MetaADEDB
Fatigue MetaADEDB
Fatty Liver MetaADEDB
Feeling Drunk MetaADEDB
Feeling Of Despair MetaADEDB
Fever MetaADEDB
Flight Of Ideas MetaADEDB
Fluid Intake Reduced MetaADEDB
Fluid Overload MetaADEDB
Foetal Cardiac Disorder MetaADEDB
Foetal Disorder MetaADEDB
Food Allergy MetaADEDB
Formication MetaADEDB
Frustration MetaADEDB
Fungal Disease MetaADEDB
Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Increased MetaADEDB
Gastric Ulcer Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Bleed MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Hypermotility MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Hypomotility MetaADEDB
General Physical Health Deterioration MetaADEDB
Genital Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Glossitis MetaADEDB
Groin Abscess MetaADEDB
Haematemesis MetaADEDB
Haemorrhage Rectum MetaADEDB
Hair Disease MetaADEDB
Hallucinations MetaADEDB
Hangover MetaADEDB
Head Banging MetaADEDB
Head Injury MetaADEDB
Helicobacter Pylori Identification Test Positive MetaADEDB
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura MetaADEDB
Hepatic Necrosis MetaADEDB
Hepatic Neoplasm Malignant MetaADEDB
Hepatocellular Damage MetaADEDB
Hepatosplenomegaly MetaADEDB
Homicide MetaADEDB
Hormone Level Abnormal MetaADEDB
Hostility MetaADEDB
Hyperacusia MetaADEDB
Hyperhidrosis MetaADEDB
Hypoaesthesia Facial MetaADEDB
Hypoaesthesia Oral MetaADEDB
Hypomania MetaADEDB
Hypopituitarism MetaADEDB
Ileal Ulcer MetaADEDB
Ill-Defined Disorder MetaADEDB
Immobile MetaADEDB
Impulsive Behaviour MetaADEDB
Inappropriate Affect MetaADEDB
Inflammatory Bowel Disease MetaADEDB
Influenza Like Illness MetaADEDB
Infusion Related Reaction MetaADEDB
Infusion Site Mobility Decreased MetaADEDB
Intentional Self-Injury MetaADEDB
International Normalised Ratio Increased MetaADEDB
Intra-abdominal haematoma MetaADEDB
Iridocele MetaADEDB
Ischaemia MetaADEDB
Ischaemic Hepatitis MetaADEDB
Joint Crepitation MetaADEDB
Kidney Failure MetaADEDB
Lethargy MetaADEDB
Liver Tenderness MetaADEDB
Lung Edema MetaADEDB
Lung Neoplasm Malignant MetaADEDB
Lymphocytes Decreased MetaADEDB
Macrocytosis MetaADEDB
Macula Lutea Degeneration MetaADEDB
Macular Oedema MetaADEDB
Masked Facies MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Volume Increased MetaADEDB
Mental Impairment MetaADEDB
Mesothelioma MetaADEDB
Mesothelioma Malignant MetaADEDB
Metastases To Lung MetaADEDB
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcal Aureus Test MetaADEDB
Micturition Urgency MetaADEDB
Mononeuropathy MetaADEDB
Mood Altered MetaADEDB
Morbid Thoughts MetaADEDB
Mouth Ulcer MetaADEDB
Multi-Organ Failure MetaADEDB
Multiple Drug Overdose MetaADEDB
Muscle Rigidity MetaADEDB
Musculoskeletal Chest Pain MetaADEDB
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection MetaADEDB
Myoglobin Blood Increased MetaADEDB
Narcotic Intoxication MetaADEDB
Nausea MetaADEDB
Negative Thoughts MetaADEDB
Negativism MetaADEDB
Neutrophilia MetaADEDB
Nightmare MetaADEDB
Obliterative Bronchiolitis MetaADEDB
Ocular Hypertension MetaADEDB
Ocular Icterus MetaADEDB
Odynophagia MetaADEDB
Oropharyngeal Candidiasis MetaADEDB
Ovarian Cancer MetaADEDB
Ovarian Cancer Metastatic MetaADEDB
Overdose MetaADEDB
Pain Exacerbated MetaADEDB
Pain Management MetaADEDB
Palpitation MetaADEDB
Panic Attack MetaADEDB
Paranoia MetaADEDB
Parkinson MetaADEDB
Pathogen Resistance MetaADEDB
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention MetaADEDB
Pericardial Effusion MetaADEDB
Peripheral Ischaemia MetaADEDB
Peritoneal Effusion MetaADEDB
Petechia MetaADEDB
Pharyngeal Erythema MetaADEDB
Pharyngeal Inflammation MetaADEDB
Pharyngeal Ulceration MetaADEDB
Phlebitis MetaADEDB
Pituitary Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Pleural Effusion MetaADEDB
Pleural Mesothelioma MetaADEDB
Pollakiuria MetaADEDB
Polymenorrhea MetaADEDB
Poor Quality Sleep MetaADEDB
Procedural Complication MetaADEDB
Prothrombin Time Prolonged MetaADEDB
Psychiatric Symptom MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Congestion MetaADEDB
Pyloroplasty MetaADEDB
Renal Impairment MetaADEDB
Renal Tubular Necrosis MetaADEDB
Respiratory Rate Increased MetaADEDB
Rheumatoid Nodule MetaADEDB
Rhinalgia MetaADEDB
Salivary Duct Obstruction MetaADEDB
Seasonal Affective Disorder MetaADEDB
Self Esteem Decreased MetaADEDB
Self-Injurious Ideation MetaADEDB
Septic Shock MetaADEDB
Skin Injury MetaADEDB
Sleep Disorder MetaADEDB
Spasm MetaADEDB
Speech Disorder MetaADEDB
Spinning Sensation MetaADEDB
Stress MetaADEDB
Sudden Death MetaADEDB
Suicidal Behaviour MetaADEDB
Syncope MetaADEDB
Syncope Vasovagal MetaADEDB
Tachycardia MetaADEDB
Tachycardia Sinus MetaADEDB
Tearfulness MetaADEDB
Thinking Abnormal MetaADEDB
Tinnitus MetaADEDB
Tongue Black Hairy MetaADEDB
Torsades De Pointes MetaADEDB
Toxic Skin Eruption MetaADEDB
Transfusion MetaADEDB
Treatment Noncompliance MetaADEDB
Tremor MetaADEDB
Unresponsive To Stimuli MetaADEDB
Urinary Casts MetaADEDB
Vaginal Mucosal Blistering MetaADEDB
Vagotomy MetaADEDB
Ventricular Fibrillation MetaADEDB
Ventricular Hypokinesia MetaADEDB
Vertebral Injury MetaADEDB
Vith Nerve Disorder MetaADEDB
Weight Fluctuation MetaADEDB
Withdrawal Syndrome MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database