Drug discovery research has become much more complex science requiring a
multidisciplinary approach. Converging concepts of several disciplines such as
molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, pharmaceutical sciences and
computational technology has become more than a trend in education. It has
become a necessity for solving real-world problems. This course is designed to
teach the new millennium drug discovery science to the pharmacy graduates to
become the successful drug discovery scientist in pharmaceutical industry.
The department is equipped to carry out research and provide training in the advanced areas of genomics, proteomics, computational drug discovery techniques including bioinformatics, QSAR, Molecular Docking, pharmacophore mapping, chemoinformatics, computational ADME / Toxicity prediction methods, pharmaceutical informatics and medical informatics.
The focus of this department is on the practical applications of computer aided target identification, validation and drug-design, this centre is quite different from other academic centres where the focus is either on theoretical studies or on development of bioinformatic methods or on chemoinformatic methods.