Total No. of Databases: 8
1. CAFMS: Central Animal Facility Management System.
2. Formulations: Label composition of all the formulations manufactured in India and their market value, NPPA, Govt. of India.
3. GenMAPP: GenMAPP database for fission yeast. A custom Gene Database and MAPP Archives for saccharomyces pombe have been created through collaboration with J. David Gladstone Institutes, at the University of California, San Francisco.
4. InAADR: An Adverse Drug Reactions resource for Drugs and Proteins.
5. LeishBase: Leishmania major structural database.
6. PPIS: Pharmaceutical Education & Practicing Pharmacist Information System, DST, Govt. of India.
7. TanCanDB: Tankyrases database.
8. TBIndia: Directory of R&D capabilities in the field of tuberculosis.
Total No. of Software: 3
1. BBB Permeability: In silico prediction of blood brain barrier permeability: an Artificial Neural Network model (Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2006, 46: 289-297).
2. BiAnaCA: A Freely Accessible Tool for Data Analysis of End-Point Biochemical Assay.
3. ChemSuite: A package for Chemoinformatics calculations and Machine Learning.
Total No. of Webservers: 14
1. AChE Predictor: To predict AChE inhibitors and non-inhibitors.
2. BCRP: In Silico Prediction of BCRP Substrate/Non-Substrate Activity.
3. DPI: In Silico Prediction of Drug-Protein Interaction.
4. DTI: In Silico Prediction of Drug-Transporter Interaction.
5. e-Scider: A tool to retrieve, prioritize and analyze the articles from PubMed database.
6. ECPred: Predicting protein function using machine learning approaches.
7. HToPred: A Tool for Human Topoisomerase II Inhibitor Prediction.
8. iB3Pred: In Silico Prediction of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability.
9. MRP1: In Silico Prediction of MRP-1 Substrate/Non-Substrate Activity.
10. MSubCellProt: Predicting multiple protein subcellular localization using machine learning approaches.
11. PnGT: Physicochemical n-Grams Tool.
12. ProIntPred: Protein-protein interaction prediction.
13. ProteinTox: Protein Toxicity Prediction.
14. SubCellProt: Predicting protein subcellular localization using machine learning approaches.