Toxicity |
Source |
Abdominal Discomfort | MetaADEDB
Abdominal Distension | MetaADEDB
Abdominal Mass | MetaADEDB
Abdominal Pain | ADReCS
Abdominal Pain | ADReCS
Abnormal Ecg | MetaADEDB
Abnormal Gait | MetaADEDB
Abnormal Lfts | MetaADEDB
Abnormal Movements | MetaADEDB
Abscess | MetaADEDB
Abscess Bacterial | MetaADEDB
Abscess Drainage | MetaADEDB
Abscess Oral | MetaADEDB
Abuse | MetaADEDB
Acantholysis | MetaADEDB
Accident At Work | MetaADEDB
Aching Joints | MetaADEDB
Aching Muscles | MetaADEDB
Actinomycosis | MetaADEDB
Acute Coronary Syndrome | ADReCS
Acute Leukaemia | ADReCS
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia | ADReCS
Acute Pulmonary Oedema | ADReCS
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome | ADReCS
Acute Respiratory Failure | MetaADEDB
Adenoma | MetaADEDB
Adenopathy | MetaADEDB
Adrenal Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Afib | MetaADEDB
Ageusia | ADReCS
Aggression | ADReCS
Agranulocytoses | MetaADEDB
Agranulocytosis | ADReCS
Alanine Aminotransferase Increased | PROTECT
Albumin Globulin Ratio Decreased | MetaADEDB
Allergic Dermatitis | MetaADEDB
Allergic Reaction | ADReCS
Allergies | MetaADEDB
Allergy | ADReCS
Alopecia | ADReCS
Alpha Haemolytic Streptococcal Infection | MetaADEDB
Alveolar Osteitis | MetaADEDB
Amenorrhoea | ADReCS
Anaemia | ADReCS
Anal Cancer | MetaADEDB
Anal Sphincter Atony | MetaADEDB
Anaphylactic Shock | ADReCS
Androgen Deficiency | MetaADEDB
Angina Pectoris | ADReCS
Angina Unstable | ADReCS
Anhedonia | MetaADEDB
Anhidrosis | MetaADEDB
Anisocytosis | MetaADEDB
Anorexia | ADReCS
Anosmia | MetaADEDB
Anxiety | MetaADEDB
Aortic Aneurysm | MetaADEDB
Aortic Arteriosclerosis | MetaADEDB
Aorto-Oesophageal Fistula | MetaADEDB
Aphthous Stomatitis | MetaADEDB
Apicectomy | MetaADEDB
Arrhythmia | ADReCS
Arrhythmia Supraventricular | MetaADEDB
Arterial Pressure Nos Decreased | MetaADEDB
Arteriosclerosis | MetaADEDB
Arthralgia | ADReCS
Arthroscopy | MetaADEDB
Artificial Crown Procedure | MetaADEDB
Ascites | ADReCS
Aseptic Necrosis Bone | MetaADEDB
Aspartate Aminotransferase Increased | SIDER
Aspiration Pleural Cavity | MetaADEDB
Aspiration Pneumonia | MetaADEDB
Asthenia | ADReCS
Asthenopia | MetaADEDB
Asystole | MetaADEDB
Ataxia | ADReCS
Atelectasis | MetaADEDB
Atrial Fibrillation | ADReCS
Atrial Flutter | ADReCS
Atrial Tachycardia | MetaADEDB
Atrophy | MetaADEDB
Auditory Disorder Nos | SIDER
Autonomic Neuropathy | MetaADEDB
Axillary Mass | MetaADEDB
Back Ache | MetaADEDB
Back Pain | ADReCS
Bacteria Stool Identified | MetaADEDB
Bacteria Urine | MetaADEDB
Bacteria Urine Identified | MetaADEDB
Bacterial Infection | MetaADEDB
Bacterial Pneumonia | MetaADEDB
Bacterial Toxaemia | MetaADEDB
Bad Breath | MetaADEDB
Basal Ganglion Degeneration | MetaADEDB
Beta Haemolytic Streptococcal Infection | MetaADEDB
Bile Duct Stone | MetaADEDB
Biliary Adenoma | MetaADEDB
Biopsy | MetaADEDB
Biopsy Bone | MetaADEDB
Biopsy Bone Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Biopsy Bone Marrow Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Birth Defect | MetaADEDB
Bladder Calculus Removal | MetaADEDB
Bladder Hypertrophy | MetaADEDB
Bladder Inflammation | MetaADEDB
Bladder Operation | MetaADEDB
Bladder Perforation | MetaADEDB
Bleeding Gums | MetaADEDB
Blindness Transient | MetaADEDB
Blood Albumin Decreased | MetaADEDB
Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Increased | PROTECT
Blood Bilirubin Increased | PROTECT
Blood Calcium | MetaADEDB
Blood Chloride Decreased | MetaADEDB
Blood Chloride Increased | MetaADEDB
Blood Creatinine Decreased | MetaADEDB
Blood Creatinine Increased | MetaADEDB
Blood Culture Positive | MetaADEDB
Blood In Urine | MetaADEDB
Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase Increased | MetaADEDB
Blood Ph Increased | MetaADEDB
Blood Pressure Increased | ADReCS
Blood Pressure Systolic Increased | MetaADEDB
Blood Sodium | MetaADEDB
Blood Testosterone Decreased | MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Decreased | MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Increased | MetaADEDB
Body Temperature Increased | ADReCS
Bone Abscess | MetaADEDB
Bone Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Bone Cyst | MetaADEDB
Bone Debridement | MetaADEDB
Bone Density Decreased | MetaADEDB
Bone Disorder | MetaADEDB
Bone Erosion | MetaADEDB
Bone Fracture | MetaADEDB
Bone Fracture Spontaneous | MetaADEDB
Bone Fragmentation | MetaADEDB
Bone Graft | MetaADEDB
Bone Infarction | MetaADEDB
Bone Inflammation | MetaADEDB
Bone Lesion | MetaADEDB
Bone Marrow Disorder | MetaADEDB
Bone Marrow Failure | PROTECT
Bone Neoplasm Malignant | MetaADEDB
Bone Pain | PROTECT
Bone Spur | MetaADEDB
Bone Swelling | MetaADEDB
Bone Trimming | MetaADEDB
Bradycardia | MetaADEDB
Bradypnoea | MetaADEDB
Brain Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Brain Mass | MetaADEDB
Brain Natriuretic Peptide Increased | MetaADEDB
Brain Oedema | MetaADEDB
Breast Cancer | ADReCS
Breast Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Breast Enlargement | MetaADEDB
Breast Lump | MetaADEDB
Breast Operation | MetaADEDB
Breast Prosthesis Implantation | MetaADEDB
Breast Tenderness | MetaADEDB
Breath Sounds | MetaADEDB
Breath Sounds Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Bronchitis | MetaADEDB
Bronchoalveolar Lavage | MetaADEDB
Bronchopneumonia | ADReCS
Bronchospasm | ADReCS
Bulbar Palsy | MetaADEDB
Bulging | MetaADEDB
Bullous Eruption | ADReCS
Burn Oesophageal | MetaADEDB
Burning Sensation | ADReCS
Burning Sensation Mucosal | MetaADEDB
Bursitis | MetaADEDB
Bursitis Infective | MetaADEDB
Calcific Deposits Removal | MetaADEDB
Calcification Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Calculus Bladder | MetaADEDB
Campylobacter Gastroenteritis | MetaADEDB
Cancer Pain | ADReCS
Candida Infection | MetaADEDB
Candidiasis | ADReCS
Candidiasis Of Mouth | MetaADEDB
Candidiasis Of Vagina | MetaADEDB
Capillary Leak Syndrome | MetaADEDB
Capillary Permeability | ADReCS
Carcinoma Breast | SIDER
Carcinoma Of Lung | SIDER
Carcinoma Of Prostate | MetaADEDB
Carcinoma Of The Cervix | MetaADEDB
Cardiac Decompensation | MetaADEDB
Cardiac Enlargement | MetaADEDB
Cardiac Failure | ADReCS
Cardiac Failure Congestive | ADReCS
Cardiac Fibrillation | ADReCS
Cardiac Flutter | ADReCS
Cardiac Tamponade | MetaADEDB
Cardiopulmonary Failure | MetaADEDB
Cardioversion | MetaADEDB
Carotid Artery Disease | MetaADEDB
Carotid Bruit | MetaADEDB
Carpal Tunnel | MetaADEDB
Cartilage Development Disorder | MetaADEDB
Cartilage Injury | MetaADEDB
Cataract | MetaADEDB
Catheter Related Complication | MetaADEDB
Catheter Related Infection | MetaADEDB
Cellulitis | MetaADEDB
Central Nervous System Inflammation | MetaADEDB
Central Venous Catheterisation | MetaADEDB
Cerebellar Ataxia | MetaADEDB
Cerebral Arteriosclerosis | MetaADEDB
Cerebral Artery Stenosis | MetaADEDB
Cerebral Atrophy | MetaADEDB
Cerebral Ischaemia | MetaADEDB
Cervical Discharge | MetaADEDB
Cervical Dysplasia | MetaADEDB
Cervical Spinal Stenosis | MetaADEDB
Cervicalgia | MetaADEDB
Cervicitis Human Papilloma Virus | MetaADEDB
Cervicobrachial Syndrome | MetaADEDB
Chest Discomfort | ADReCS
Chest Pain | ADReCS
Chest Tightness | ADReCS
Chill | MetaADEDB
Chills | ADReCS
Choking | MetaADEDB
Choking Sensation | MetaADEDB
Cholecystitis Chronic | MetaADEDB
Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease | MetaADEDB
Chronic Sinusitis | MetaADEDB
Closed Fracture Manipulation | MetaADEDB
Clostridial Infection | MetaADEDB
Clostridium Difficile Colitis | MetaADEDB
Coccydynia | MetaADEDB
Colitis | ADReCS
Colitis Ischaemic | ADReCS
Colon Polypectomy | MetaADEDB
Colonic Fistula | MetaADEDB
Colpitis | MetaADEDB
Coma | ADReCS
Coma Hepatic | ADReCS
Confusional State | ADReCS
Congenital Mitral Valve Incompetence | MetaADEDB
Congenital Tricuspid Valve Incompetence | MetaADEDB
Conjunctivitis | ADReCS
Constipated | MetaADEDB
Constipation | ADReCS
Contact Dermatitis | MetaADEDB
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure | MetaADEDB
Convulsion | ADReCS
Cough | ADReCS
Coughing Blood | MetaADEDB
Crackles Lung | MetaADEDB
Cramp Muscle | SIDER
Cranial Nerve Disorder | MetaADEDB
Cryptogenic Organising Pneumonia | MetaADEDB
Crystalluria | MetaADEDB
Csf Monocyte Count Decreased | MetaADEDB
Csf Neutrophil Count Positive | MetaADEDB
Csf Protein | MetaADEDB
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus | ADReCS
Cutaneous Vasculitis | MetaADEDB
Cyst | MetaADEDB
Cystoid Macular Oedema | PROTECT
Cytogenetic Abnormality | ADReCS
Dacryostenosis Acquired | ADReCS
Deafness | ADReCS
Death | ADReCS
Debridement | MetaADEDB
Decreased Activity | MetaADEDB
Decreased Appetite | ADReCS
Decreased Interest | MetaADEDB
Decreased Libido | MetaADEDB
Deep Vein Thrombosis | ADReCS
Deglutition Disorder | MetaADEDB
Dehydration | ADReCS
Demyelination | MetaADEDB
Dental Abscess | MetaADEDB
Dental Care | MetaADEDB
Dental Caries | MetaADEDB
Dental Cleaning | MetaADEDB
Dental Discomfort | MetaADEDB
Dental Operation | MetaADEDB
Dental Pain | MetaADEDB
Denture Wearer | MetaADEDB
Depressed Mood | MetaADEDB
Dermatitis | ADReCS
Dermatitis Allergic | ADReCS
Dermatitis Bullous | ADReCS
Dermatomyositis | MetaADEDB
Dermatosis | MetaADEDB
Diabetes | MetaADEDB
Diarrhea | MetaADEDB
Diarrhoea | ADReCS
Diarrhoea Haemorrhagic | ADReCS
Disease Progression | MetaADEDB
Disorder Lung | MetaADEDB
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation | ADReCS
Diverticulum | MetaADEDB
Dizziness | ADReCS
Dizziness Exertional | MetaADEDB
Drug Fever | ADReCS
Dry Eye | MetaADEDB
Dry Mouth | ADReCS
Dry Skin | ADReCS
Duodenal Ulcer | ADReCS
Dysaesthesia | ADReCS
Dysgeusia | ADReCS
Dyspepsia | ADReCS
Dysphagia | ADReCS
Dysphonia | MetaADEDB
Dyspnea Exertional | MetaADEDB
Dyspnoea | ADReCS
Dysthymic Disorder | MetaADEDB
Dystonia | MetaADEDB
Dysuria | MetaADEDB
Ear Ache | MetaADEDB
Ear Discomfort | MetaADEDB
Ear Haemorrhage | MetaADEDB
Ear Infection | ADReCS
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status Worsened | MetaADEDB
Eating Disorder | MetaADEDB
Edema Extremities | MetaADEDB
Edema Of Lower Extremities | SIDER
Effusion | ADReCS
Ejection Fraction | ADReCS
Ejection Fraction Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Ejection Fraction Decreased | MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram Abnormal | ADReCS
Electrocardiogram Poor R-Wave Progression | MetaADEDB
Electrocardiogram St-T Change | MetaADEDB
Elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | MetaADEDB
Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen | MetaADEDB
Elevated Triglycerides | MetaADEDB
Embolic Stroke | MetaADEDB
Embolism | ADReCS
Embolism Pulmonary | MetaADEDB
Embolism Venous | PROTECT
Emesis | MetaADEDB
Emotional Distress | MetaADEDB
Emphysema | MetaADEDB
Encephalitis Herpes | MetaADEDB
Endodontic Procedure | MetaADEDB
Endophthalmitis | MetaADEDB
Enteritis | ADReCS
Enterocolitis | ADReCS
Eosinophil Count Decreased | MetaADEDB
Epicondylitis | MetaADEDB
Epidermal Necrosis | ADReCS
Epidural Lipomatosis | MetaADEDB
Epistaxis | ADReCS
Erectile Dysfunction | MetaADEDB
Eruption | SIDER
Erythema | ADReCS
Erythema Multiforme | ADReCS
Esophageal Perforation | MetaADEDB
Esophageal Ulcer | MetaADEDB
Essential Hypertension | MetaADEDB
Excessive Granulation Tissue | MetaADEDB
Exfoliative Rash | PROTECT
Extramedullary Haemopoiesis | MetaADEDB
Extravasation | ADReCS
Extremity Pain | MetaADEDB
Eye Irritation | ADReCS
Eye Pain | MetaADEDB
Eyelids Pruritus | MetaADEDB
Face Injury | MetaADEDB
Face Pain | MetaADEDB
Facial Bones Fracture | MetaADEDB
Facial Flushing | MetaADEDB
Failure To Thrive | MetaADEDB
Family Stress | MetaADEDB
Fat Necrosis | MetaADEDB
Fat Tissue Increased | MetaADEDB
Fatigue | ADReCS
Fatty Liver | MetaADEDB
Febrile Bone Marrow Aplasia | MetaADEDB
Febrile Neutropenia | ADReCS
Feeling Abnormal | ADReCS
Femur Fracture | MetaADEDB
Fibrin D Dimer | MetaADEDB
Fibroids | MetaADEDB
Fibromyalgia | MetaADEDB
Fibrosis | ADReCS
Fistula | MetaADEDB
Fistula Discharge | MetaADEDB
Flatulence | MetaADEDB
Floaters | MetaADEDB
Fluid Retention | ADReCS
Flushing | ADReCS
Foetor Hepaticus | ADReCS
Folate Deficiency | MetaADEDB
Formication | MetaADEDB
Fractured Sacrum | MetaADEDB
Fungal Disease | MetaADEDB
Fungal Sepsis | MetaADEDB
Gall Bladder | MetaADEDB
Gallbladder Polyp | MetaADEDB
Gastric Cancer | ADReCS
Gastric Polyps | MetaADEDB
Gastroenteritis Radiation | MetaADEDB
Gastroenteritis Salmonella | MetaADEDB
Gastroenteritis Viral | MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Disorder | ADReCS
Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage | ADReCS
Gastrointestinal Pain | ADReCS
Gastrointestinal Perforation | ADReCS
General Physical Health Deterioration | MetaADEDB
Gingival Cancer | MetaADEDB
Gingival Disorder | MetaADEDB
Gingival Erosion | MetaADEDB
Gingival Erythema | MetaADEDB
Gingival Hypertrophy | MetaADEDB
Gingival Oedema | MetaADEDB
Gingival Pain | MetaADEDB
Globulins Increased | MetaADEDB
Glomerular Filtration Rate Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Graft Infection | MetaADEDB
Granulocytosis | MetaADEDB
Gynaecomastia | MetaADEDB
Haemangioma | MetaADEDB
Haemangioma Of Liver | MetaADEDB
Haematochezia | MetaADEDB
Haematoma | MetaADEDB
Haemoglobin | ADReCS
Haemorrhage | ADReCS
Haemorrhage Rectum | MetaADEDB
Haemorrhagic Hepatic Cyst | MetaADEDB
Haemorrhoids | ADReCS
Hand And Foot Syndrome Secondary To Sickle Cell Anaemia | ADReCS
Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease | MetaADEDB
Haptoglobin Decreased | MetaADEDB
Headache | ADReCS
Hearing Impaired | ADReCS
Heart Rate Increased | MetaADEDB
Heart Valve Incompetence | MetaADEDB
Heartburn | ADReCS
Hematoma Subdural | MetaADEDB
Hemiplegia | MetaADEDB
Hepatic Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Hepatic Failure | ADReCS
Hepatic Function Abnormal | ADReCS
Hepatic Lesion | MetaADEDB
Hepatic Neoplasia | MetaADEDB
Hepatitis | ADReCS
Hepatocellular Injury | ADReCS
Hernia Hiatal | MetaADEDB
Hernia Inguinal | MetaADEDB
Hernia Repair | MetaADEDB
Herpes Oesophagitis | MetaADEDB
Herpes Simplex | MetaADEDB
Herpes Zoster | MetaADEDB
Herpetic Gingivostomatitis | MetaADEDB
High Frequency Ablation | MetaADEDB
Hip Arthroplasty | MetaADEDB
Hip Fracture | MetaADEDB
Hordeolum | MetaADEDB
Horner Syndrome | MetaADEDB
Hot Flash | MetaADEDB
Hot Flush | PROTECT
Human Papilloma Virus Test Positive | MetaADEDB
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | MetaADEDB
Hyperbilirubinaemia | ADReCS
Hypercreatinaemia | MetaADEDB
Hyperpigmentation | MetaADEDB
Hypersensitivity | ADReCS
Hypertension | ADReCS
Hypoaesthesia | ADReCS
Hypoaesthesia Facial | MetaADEDB
Hypoaesthesia Oral | MetaADEDB
Hypoalbuminaemia | ADReCS
Hypokalaemia | MetaADEDB
Hypomagnesaemia | MetaADEDB
Hyponatraemia | PROTECT
Hypophagia | MetaADEDB
Hypoproteinaemia | MetaADEDB
Hypotension | ADReCS
Hypotension Orthostatic | MetaADEDB
Hypovolaemic Shock | MetaADEDB
Hypoxia | MetaADEDB
Ild | MetaADEDB
Ileus | ADReCS
Immunosuppression | ADReCS
Impaired Healing | MetaADEDB
Impetigo | MetaADEDB
Impingement Syndrome | MetaADEDB
Implant Site Erosion | MetaADEDB
Implant Site Infection | MetaADEDB
Incisional Drainage | MetaADEDB
Increased White Blood Cell Count | MetaADEDB
Infarction | ADReCS
Infected Epidermal Cyst | MetaADEDB
Infection | ADReCS
Infection In An Immunocompromised Host | MetaADEDB
Infection Upper Respiratory | MetaADEDB
Infection Urinary Tract | MetaADEDB
Infestation | SIDER
Infestation Nos | SIDER
Inflammation | ADReCS
Influenza Like Illness | PROTECT
Infusion Related Reaction | MetaADEDB
Infusion Site Discolouration | PROTECT
Infusion Site Erythema | PROTECT
Infusion Site Extravasation | PROTECT
Infusion Site Inflammation | PROTECT
Infusion Site Phlebitis | PROTECT
Infusion Site Reaction | ADReCS
Infusion Site Swelling | PROTECT
Injection Site Dryness | PROTECT
Injection Site Infection | ADReCS
Injection Site Reaction | ADReCS
Insomnia | ADReCS
Insufficiency Renal | SIDER
Intentional Drug Misuse | MetaADEDB
Internal Fixation Of Fracture | MetaADEDB
Interstitial Lung Disease | ADReCS
Interstitial Pneumonia | SIDER
Intervertebral Disc Degeneration | MetaADEDB
Intervertebral Disc Disorder | MetaADEDB
Intervertebral Disc Herniation | MetaADEDB
Intestinal Obstruction | ADReCS
Intestinal Perforation | ADReCS
Intracranial Tumour Haemorrhage | MetaADEDB
Intraocular Lens Implant | MetaADEDB
Intravenous Catheter Management | MetaADEDB
Ischaemia | ADReCS
Jaundice | ADReCS
Jaw Disorder | MetaADEDB
Jaw Fracture | MetaADEDB
Jaw Operation | MetaADEDB
Joint Stiffness | MetaADEDB
Kidney Failure | MetaADEDB
Kidney Pain | MetaADEDB
Kyphosis | MetaADEDB
Lacrimal Disorder | ADReCS
Lacrimal Duct Obstruction | SIDER
Lacrimation | SIDER
Lacrimation Increased | ADReCS
Lacunar Infarction | MetaADEDB
Large Intestinal Ulcer | MetaADEDB
Large Intestine Perforation | ADReCS
Laryngospasm | MetaADEDB
Left Atrial Dilatation | MetaADEDB
Left Ventricular Dysfunction | ADReCS
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | SIDER
Lethargy | ADReCS
Leucopenia | MetaADEDB
Leukaemia | ADReCS
Leukaemoid Reaction | MetaADEDB
Leukocyturia | MetaADEDB
Leukodystrophy | MetaADEDB
Leukopenia | ADReCS
Leukopenia Neonatal | MetaADEDB
Life Expectancy Shortened | MetaADEDB
Ligament Rupture | MetaADEDB
Liposarcoma | MetaADEDB
Liver Disorder | ADReCS
Liver Function Test Abnormal | ADReCS
Liver Function Test Normal | SIDER
Localised Oedema | MetaADEDB
Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure | MetaADEDB
Loose Tooth | MetaADEDB
Loss Of Consciousness | ADReCS
Loss Of Weight | MetaADEDB
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection | SIDER
Lung Adenocarcinoma Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Lung Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Lung Consolidation | MetaADEDB
Lung Disorder | ADReCS
Lung Edema | MetaADEDB
Lung Fibrosis | MetaADEDB
Lung Infection | MetaADEDB
Lung Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Lung Neoplasm Malignant | ADReCS
Lung Operation | MetaADEDB
Lupus Erythematosus | SIDER
Lymph Node Palpable | MetaADEDB
Lymphadenopathy Mediastinal | MetaADEDB
Lymphangiosis Carcinomatosa | MetaADEDB
Lymphedema | MetaADEDB
Lymphocyte Count Decreased | MetaADEDB
Lymphocytes Decreased | MetaADEDB
Lymphoedema | ADReCS
Lymphopenia | ADReCS
Lymphoproliferative Disorder | MetaADEDB
Malformation Venous | MetaADEDB
Malignant Neoplasm Progression | MetaADEDB
Malignant Pleural Effusion | MetaADEDB
Malignant Soft Tissue Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Malocclusion | MetaADEDB
Mandibulectomy | MetaADEDB
Markedly Reduced Dietary Intake | MetaADEDB
Mass Excision | MetaADEDB
Mastectomy | MetaADEDB
Mastication Disorder | MetaADEDB
Maxillofacial Operation | MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Haemoglobin | MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Decreased | MetaADEDB
Mean Cell Volume Increased | MetaADEDB
Medical Device Removal | MetaADEDB
Meningeal Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Meningitides | MetaADEDB
Meniscus Removal | MetaADEDB
Mental Disorder | MetaADEDB
Mesenteric Fibrosis | MetaADEDB
Mesenteric Vascular Insufficiency | MetaADEDB
Metabolic Disorder | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Adrenals | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Bone Marrow | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Central Nervous System | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Liver | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Lung | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Lymph Nodes | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Meninges | MetaADEDB
Metastases To Spine | MetaADEDB
Metastatic Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Migraine | ADReCS
Modified Radical Mastectomy | MetaADEDB
Monarthritis | MetaADEDB
Mononeuritis | MetaADEDB
Mood Disorder Due To A General Medical Condition | MetaADEDB
Mouth Pain | MetaADEDB
Mouth Ulcer | MetaADEDB
Mucosal Inflammation | ADReCS
Multi-Organ Failure | ADReCS
Muscle Abscess | MetaADEDB
Muscle Disorder | MetaADEDB
Muscle Inflammation | MetaADEDB
Muscle Mass | MetaADEDB
Muscle Spasms | ADReCS
Musculoskeletal Chest Pain | MetaADEDB
Musculoskeletal Discomfort | ADReCS
Musculoskeletal Pain | MetaADEDB
Musculoskeletal Stiffness | MetaADEDB
Myalgia | ADReCS
Myelodysplasia | SIDER
Myelodysplastic Syndrome | ADReCS
Myeloid Leukaemia | ADReCS
Myelopathy | MetaADEDB
Myelosuppression | SIDER
Myocardial Infarction | ADReCS
Myocardial Ischaemia | ADReCS
Myringotomy | MetaADEDB
Nail Changes | SIDER
Nail Discolouration | ADReCS
Nail Disorder | ADReCS
Nail Tinea | MetaADEDB
Nasal Congestion | MetaADEDB
Nasal Disorder | MetaADEDB
Nasal Septal Perforation | MetaADEDB
Nasal Sinus Congestion | MetaADEDB
Nasal Ulcer | MetaADEDB
Nasopharyngitis | PROTECT
Nausea | ADReCS
Neck Mass | MetaADEDB
Necrolysis Epidermal | SIDER
Necrosis | ADReCS
Necrotising Colitis | ADReCS
Necrotising Enterocolitis Neonatal | ADReCS
Necrotizing Enterocolitis | SIDER
Neoplasia | MetaADEDB
Neoplasm | ADReCS
Neoplasm Progression | MetaADEDB
Nerve Block | MetaADEDB
Nerve Root Compression | MetaADEDB
Nervous System Disorder | ADReCS
Neumonia | MetaADEDB
Neuralgia | ADReCS
Neuromyopathy | ADReCS
Neuropathy | ADReCS
Neuropathy Peripheral | ADReCS
Neurosensory Hypoacusis | MetaADEDB
Neurotoxicity | PROTECT
Neutropenia | ADReCS
Neutropenic Colitis | ADReCS
Neutropenic Enterocolitis | ADReCS
Neutropenic Infection | ADReCS
Neutropenic Sepsis | ADReCS
Neutrophil Count Decreased | MetaADEDB
Nodule | MetaADEDB
Non-Cardiac Chest Pain | PROTECT
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | MetaADEDB
Obstruction | ADReCS
Obstructive Airways Disorder | MetaADEDB
Odynophagia | ADReCS
Oedema | ADReCS
Oedema Mucosal | MetaADEDB
Oedema Peripheral | ADReCS
Oesophageal Candidiasis | MetaADEDB
Oesophageal Disorder | ADReCS
Oesophageal Ulcer | ADReCS
Oesophagitis | ADReCS
Oliguria | ADReCS
Onychalgia | PROTECT
Onycholysis | ADReCS
Onychomadesis | ADReCS
Oophorectomy Bilateral | MetaADEDB
Optic Neuritis | MetaADEDB
Oral Candidiasis | ADReCS
Oral Discomfort | MetaADEDB
Oral Disorder | MetaADEDB
Oral Intake Reduced | MetaADEDB
Oral Polypectomy | MetaADEDB
Oral Soft Tissue Disorder | MetaADEDB
Oral Surgery | MetaADEDB
Oropharyngeal Discomfort | ADReCS
Oropharyngeal Pain | ADReCS
Orthostatic Hypotension | ADReCS
Osteitis Deformans | MetaADEDB
Osteoarthritis | MetaADEDB
Osteolysis | MetaADEDB
Osteomyelitis | MetaADEDB
Osteomyelitis Chronic | MetaADEDB
Osteopenia | MetaADEDB
Osteopetrosis | MetaADEDB
Osteoporosis | MetaADEDB
Osteoradionecrosis | MetaADEDB
Osteosarcoma Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Osteosclerosis | MetaADEDB
Otitis | SIDER
Otitis Media | ADReCS
Ototoxicity | ADReCS
Ovarian Cancer | MetaADEDB
Ovarian Cancer Recurrent | MetaADEDB
Ovarian Cyst | MetaADEDB
Oxygen Saturation Decreased | MetaADEDB
Pain | ADReCS
Pain In Extremity | ADReCS
Pain In Throat | MetaADEDB
Pain Pelvic | MetaADEDB
Pallor | MetaADEDB
Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysaesthesia Syndrome | ADReCS
Pancreatic Cyst | MetaADEDB
Pancytopenia | ADReCS
Paracentesis | MetaADEDB
Paraesthesia | ADReCS
Paraesthesia Oral | MetaADEDB
Paronychia | MetaADEDB
Parosmia | ADReCS
Pedal Pulse Absent | MetaADEDB
Performance Status Decreased | MetaADEDB
Pericardial Disease | MetaADEDB
Pericardial Effusion | ADReCS
Pericarditis | MetaADEDB
Periodontal Disease | MetaADEDB
Periodontal Operation | MetaADEDB
Periodontitis | MetaADEDB
Periorbital Haematoma | MetaADEDB
Peripheral Motor Neuropathy | ADReCS
Peripheral Nerve Injury | MetaADEDB
Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy | ADReCS
Perivascular Dermatitis | MetaADEDB
Petechia | MetaADEDB
Pharyngitis | ADReCS
Pharyngolaryngeal Pain | MetaADEDB
Phlebitis | ADReCS
Phlebothrombosis | MetaADEDB
Phosphenes | MetaADEDB
Photopsia | ADReCS
Photosensitive Rash | MetaADEDB
Physical Disability | MetaADEDB
Physiotherapy | MetaADEDB
Platelet Count | MetaADEDB
Pleural Disorder | ADReCS
Pleural Effusion | ADReCS
Pleural Neoplasm | MetaADEDB
Pleurectomy | MetaADEDB
Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia | MetaADEDB
Pneumonia | ADReCS
Pneumonia Cytomegaloviral | MetaADEDB
Pneumonia Moraxella | MetaADEDB
Pneumonitis | PROTECT
Pneumothorax | MetaADEDB
Poikilocytosis | MetaADEDB
Polychromasia | MetaADEDB
Polyneuropathy | ADReCS
Polyp | MetaADEDB
Poor Personal Hygiene | MetaADEDB
Post Nasal Drip | MetaADEDB
Primary Sequestrum | MetaADEDB
Prostate Cancer Metastatic | MetaADEDB
Prostate Cancer Recurrent | MetaADEDB
Prostate Cancer Stage Iv | MetaADEDB
Prosthesis Implantation | MetaADEDB
Protein Total Decreased | MetaADEDB
Prothrombin Level Decreased | ADReCS
Prothrombin Time Abnormal | MetaADEDB
Pruritus | ADReCS
Pulmonary Embolism | ADReCS
Pulmonary Fibrosis | ADReCS
Pulmonary Oedema | ADReCS
Pulmonary Radiation Injury | MetaADEDB
Pulmonary Toxicity | MetaADEDB
Pulpitis Dental | MetaADEDB
Pupillary Disorder | MetaADEDB
Purulence | MetaADEDB
Purulent Discharge | MetaADEDB
Pyrexia | ADReCS
Radiation Associated Pain | MetaADEDB
Radiation Oesophagitis | MetaADEDB
Radiation Pneumonitis | ADReCS
Radiation Recall Reaction (Dermatologic) | SIDER
Radiation Skin Injury | MetaADEDB
Radical Hysterectomy | MetaADEDB
Radicular Pain | MetaADEDB
Radicular Syndrome | MetaADEDB
Radiotherapy | MetaADEDB
Raised Liver Function Tests | SIDER
Rash | ADReCS
Rash Erythematous | ADReCS
Rash Generalised | ADReCS
Rash Pruritic | PROTECT
Reaction Gastrointestinal | SIDER
Recall Phenomenon | ADReCS
Rectal Fissure | MetaADEDB
Rectal Ulcer | MetaADEDB
Recurrent Cancer | MetaADEDB
Red Blood Cell Schistocytes Present | MetaADEDB
Red Cell Distribution Width Increased | MetaADEDB
Redness | SIDER
Reflux Esophagitis | MetaADEDB
Renal Colic | MetaADEDB
Renal Cyst | MetaADEDB
Renal Failure | ADReCS
Respiratory Disorder | MetaADEDB
Respiratory Distress | ADReCS
Respiratory Failure | PROTECT
Respiratory Tract Congestion | MetaADEDB
Respiratory Tract Infection | ADReCS
Reticulocyte Count Increased | MetaADEDB
Retinal Bleeding | MetaADEDB
Retinal Tear | MetaADEDB
Retrocollis | MetaADEDB
Retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy | MetaADEDB
Rhagades | MetaADEDB
Rhinitis | MetaADEDB
Rhinorrhea | MetaADEDB
Rhinorrhoea | PROTECT
Rib Fracture | MetaADEDB
Right Atrial Dilatation | MetaADEDB
Rigors | SIDER
Risus Sardonicus | MetaADEDB
Rotator Cuff Repair | MetaADEDB
Salivary Gland Enlargement | MetaADEDB
Salpingo-Oophorectomy | MetaADEDB
Sarcoidosis | MetaADEDB
Scapula Fracture | MetaADEDB
Scar | MetaADEDB
Scleroderma | ADReCS
Scoliosis | MetaADEDB
Scotoma | ADReCS
Seborrhoeic Keratosis | MetaADEDB
Seizures | SIDER
Sensitivity Of Teeth | MetaADEDB
Sensory Disturbance | ADReCS
Sensory Loss | MetaADEDB
Sepsis | ADReCS
Septic Shock | MetaADEDB
Sequestrectomy | MetaADEDB
Shock | ADReCS
Sigmoiditis | MetaADEDB
Sinus Bradycardia | MetaADEDB
Sinus Disorder | MetaADEDB
Sinus Operation | MetaADEDB
Sinus Tachycardia | ADReCS
Sinusitis | MetaADEDB
Skin Desquamation | MetaADEDB
Skin Disorder | ADReCS
Skin Exfoliation | ADReCS
Skin Hyperpigmentation | ADReCS
Skin Maceration | MetaADEDB
Skin Oedema | MetaADEDB
Skin Plaque | MetaADEDB
Skin Reaction | PROTECT
Skin Toxicity | ADReCS
Sleep Apnea | MetaADEDB
Sleep Disorder | MetaADEDB
Sleep Terror | MetaADEDB
Sleep Walking | MetaADEDB
Soft Tissue Disorder | MetaADEDB
Soft Tissue Infection | MetaADEDB
Solid Tumour | SIDER
Somnolence | PROTECT
Spinal Cord Compression | MetaADEDB
Spinal Cord Infarction | MetaADEDB
Spinal Disorder | MetaADEDB
Spinal Nerve Stimulator Implantation | MetaADEDB
Spinal Osteoarthritis | MetaADEDB
Splenic Cyst | MetaADEDB
Staphylococcal Infection | MetaADEDB
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome | ADReCS
Stomatitis | ADReCS
Stomatocytes Present | MetaADEDB
Streptococcal Infection | MetaADEDB
Stress Fracture | MetaADEDB
Subcutaneous Abscess | MetaADEDB
Sudden Death | MetaADEDB
Supraventricular Tachycardia | ADReCS
Surgery | MetaADEDB
Surgical Failure | MetaADEDB
Swelling | ADReCS
Syncope | ADReCS
Synovial Cyst | MetaADEDB
Synovitis | MetaADEDB
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | ADReCS
Tachycardia | ADReCS
Temporal Arteritis | MetaADEDB
Tenderness | ADReCS
Tendinitis | MetaADEDB
Tendon Operation | MetaADEDB
Tendon Sheath Incision | MetaADEDB
Tenosynovitis | MetaADEDB
Thoracotomy | MetaADEDB
Thought Blocking | MetaADEDB
Throat Sore | SIDER
Thrombocytopenia | ADReCS
Thromboembolic Event | ADReCS
Thrombophlebitis | ADReCS
Thrombosis | ADReCS
Thrombotic Microangiopathy | MetaADEDB
Thyroid Neoplasia | MetaADEDB
Tongue Biting | MetaADEDB
Tongue Injury | MetaADEDB
Tooth Development Disorder | MetaADEDB
Tooth Disease | MetaADEDB
Tooth Extraction | MetaADEDB
Tooth Fracture | MetaADEDB
Tooth Impacted | MetaADEDB
Tooth Infection | MetaADEDB
Tooth Repair | MetaADEDB
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | ADReCS
Tracheostomy | MetaADEDB
Transferrin Decreased | MetaADEDB
Transfusion | MetaADEDB
Troponin Increased | MetaADEDB
Tumour Invasion | MetaADEDB
Tumour Marker Increased | MetaADEDB
Ulcer | ADReCS
Urine Ketone Body Present | MetaADEDB
Vaginal Fistula | MetaADEDB
Vascular Operation | MetaADEDB
Vasodilatation | ADReCS
Vasodilation | SIDER
Vasodilation Procedure | ADReCS
Vein Disorder | ADReCS
Vein Distended | SIDER
Vena Cava Filter Insertion | MetaADEDB
Venous Thrombosis | ADReCS
Venous Thrombosis Limb | MetaADEDB
Ventricular Hypokinesia | MetaADEDB
Vertebroplasty | MetaADEDB
Viith Nerve Paralysis | MetaADEDB
Viral Labyrinthitis | MetaADEDB
Visual Disturbance | ADReCS
Visual Field Defect | PROTECT
Visual Impairment | ADReCS
Vomiting | ADReCS
Walking Aid User | MetaADEDB
Weakness | SIDER
Weight Decreased | ADReCS
Weight Increased | ADReCS
Wheelchair User | MetaADEDB
Wheeze | MetaADEDB
White Blood Cell Analysis Decreased | MetaADEDB
Wound Debridement | MetaADEDB
Wound Dehiscence | MetaADEDB
Wound Drainage | MetaADEDB
Wound Infection | MetaADEDB
Wound Treatment | MetaADEDB
X-Ray Dental | MetaADEDB